Instructor Support for Educational Systems

Workflow Assignments

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This workflow is a guide for setting up an assignment in Brightspace. Step-by-step actions for creating an assignment will be explained and there will be references to other articles on Screensteps (which provide more explanation)

Has the assignment already been created?

This article explains how you create an assignment How do I create an Assignment?

When you created an assignment, the following article explains how you use assignments in Brightspace How do I use assignments. Besides, in the Submission Logs you can see which students have submitted or started an assignment and submitted assignments can be deleted or restored. Read in the following article how you can use Submission Logs: How do I use Submission Logs with Assignments?

Is the assignment a group assigment?

Read in the following article how to create an assignment: How do I create an assignment?

Please read the article How do I create groups? And the following article How can I use assignments for groups?

Read in the following article two ways to create a group assignment How can I use assignments for groups

Read in the following article how to add a Pitch2Peer to an assignment How do I use Pitch2Peer for assignments

Does the assignment have a deadline, startdate or other restrictions?

Read in the following article how the restrictions can be added to the assignment How do I set restrictions for an Assignment?

Should the assignment be graded with a grade?

Assignments can be graded in Brightspace by using a Grade Item. Besides, by using Turnitin feedback can be given and with Grademark plagiarism can be checked. 

Has a Grade Item already been linked?

Read the following article to read how the assignment can be graded How do I assess an assignment

Read in the following article how you can use Turnitin for assignments How do I use Turnitin for an assignment. To add a Grade Item to an assignment read the following article How do I attach a grade item to an assignment?

This can be done by using Peer Mark/Peer Review. Read in the following article how to use it Peer Mark / Peer Review

Read how Pass/Fail results can be linked to assignments How do I set up a Pass / Fail scheme in Assignments?

It is possible to assign the same grade to an entire group. For more information read How do I assess a group assignment

Should it be possible to assess the assignments offline? Read How do I assess an assignment offline?

What type of assignment is being assessed?

If there are multiple assignments, or if you want to categorize assignments, see How do I add and edit categories to manage assignments?

Congratulations, you are done!
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