For general information on how to assess an assignment, read the GRADING ASSIGNMENTS topic. In case you are using Anonymous Marking, it is not possible to publish individual evaluations. To maintain anonymity, all evaluations have to be published at the same time using the Publish All Feedback button.
Go to Assignment > Select the assignment to be reviewed (in this case AnonymousTest)

Now you will find a list of submissions. Under Anonymous User 2 you will find the submitted file. By clicking on the file, a new window pops up.

- Here you can add your feedback. This will be visible for the student after publication.
- As you can see, it is not possible to publish your feedback right away. Select Save Draft to save and go back to User Submissions.
When using Anonymous Marking, it is not possible to publish the feedback per student. You have to Save as draft en Publish All Feedback at the end of your assessment.

- Select the feedback you want to publish.
- Select Publish All Feedback to publish all the selected feedback.