This article will explain how to use the Rubrics function of Turnitin. This is an efficient way to grade your assignments.
Brightspace also has its own Rubrics. Read more about using Rubrics within Brightspace here.
Setting up your first Rubric
After you have enabled Turnitin in your assignment, you can create your Rubric in Turnitin. To do so, launch Turnitin in any submission.

Navigate to Turnitin Rubric by clicking the icon.

Click on the Gear. A new pop-up screen will open.
1. Click on the hamburger menu
2. Click on "Create New Rubric"
The numbers correspond to the following functionalities in the editor:
1. Edit the criteria name, description and score by clicking on the field.
2. Edit the scale name and level by clicking on the field
3. Edit the description by clicking on the field.
4. Choose between Standard, Qualitative and Custom scoring. Read more about this here.
5. Click on Save when your finished.
6. Select whether you would like to use this Rubric for the current Assignment.
7. Click on close
8. Ability to add extra criteria fields.
Using the Rubrics

1. You can either grade the assignment by selecting the score per criteria;
2. Or you can see your Rubric full screen by clicking on the arrows.
3. Once you are finished, click on "Apply to Grade". Do not forget to publish the grades afterwards!