If students have to hand in a written component as well as a Kaltura video, they need to add the written file as an attachment and the video in the comments field. When assessing, at first only the attachment will be visible, which makes switching between the file and video difficult. To make this easier for yourself, you can place the file and comments field in one screen by going to User submissions:
- Navigate to Course Tools in the navbar of the course
- Click Assignments
- Click the assignment you want to assess
- Click the name of the student/group (not the file itself!) to assess the assignment

Here you get the file and video placed on one screen. At the right, you can open the rubric, fill in a score and give feedback. When using this screen, you can easily switch between a written file and a video while assessing the assignment.

After assessing the work of a student, you can easily go to the next student by clicking on the arrow at the top of the page.