This information will move to a new site soon. Click here for the new link.
Click here to watch a video on how to adjust notifications.
Notifications are updates of a course you receive by e-mail. It does not concern the alerts in Brightspace itself. You can choose from which courses and which course components you wish to receive updates on by e-mail. This article discusses the following:
Note! Only notifications can be changed, alerts within Brightspace itself cannot be turned off.
Notification settings
By default you will receive an email when the following events happen in Brightspace:
- A new announcement is available
- An announcement is updated
- Feedback for an assignment is released
- Feedback for an assignment is updated
- A new grade is released
- A grade is updated
Many of the activities that result in a notification are a result of your own actions. Therefore, the notifications will be of more use to students than to teachers. The reason that you are able to manage your notifications is that students and teachers have the same options for notifications.

- Click on your name in the minibar
- Next click on Notifications
Summary of your activity

Select if you would like to receive a daily summary of your notifications under Summary of Activity. If you would like to receive this summary, you can select the time of day you would like to receive it. If you do not alter this setting, by default you will receive the summary at 00:00.
Notifications per event

Under Instant Notifications you can select for which activities you would like to receive an email notification. This applies to all your courses, except for the courses you have turned off in Ecxlude Some Courses. Although Activity Feed is visible within the possibilities, the University of Leiden does not utilise this function.
Grades and future courses

Customise Notifications allows you to choose whether or not you want to receive email notifications on grades, old, future (courses with a starting date in the future), and inactive courses.
Excluding courses
With Exclude Some Courses you can select the courses for which you do not wish to receive email notifications.
1. Click on Manage Course Exclusions.

2. Click on the cross next to the name of the course(s) of which you do not like an update on. It will now be excluded from your email notifications.
If you have turned off notifications for a certain course for which you would now like to receive notifications, click on Manage my course exclusions and click on Restore excluded courses to restore all excluded courses in bulk or search for the course and click on the arrow next to the name of the course to re-activate the email notifications.

Stop the email notifications of the System Announcements

Please note that you will stop all system announcements, including important ones such as when there is an outage!
- In the Manage Course Exclusions pop up window, search for Leiden University
- Next, click on the x
From now own you will not receive email notifications when an announcement is placed on the Brightspace Homepage, but you will still receive emails from course notifications.
Video on how to alter the notifications
This video is made by Brightspace supplier D2L. Some depictions might vary from the versions of the University of Leiden.