This article explains a recommend approach in 6 steps that you can follow when you're considering to use Turnitin Assignment for a Remote Exam.
Please note that this is just a recommendation and it may not always fit your needs or your assessment method. Please do not hesitate to contact us via the Helpsdeskportal, in case you are looking for advice.
The six steps are:
1. Set up your Turnitin Assignment
Below we have put down our recommended Turnitin Assignment settings for an Remote Exam. Be sure to check out How do I create a Turnitin Assignment? for more in depth information about some settings.
1.1. Grade Out Of & Gradebook
- Insert 100 points in Grade Out Of
- Attach an existing Grade item, by clicking on In Grade Book and then Edit or Link to Existing.
1.2. Availability Dates & Conditions
- Under Due Date set the actual deadline.
- Under Has Start Date set the start of the exam.
- From this time and date on, students will be able to see the attachments & instructions.
- Under Has End Date set the margin for late submissions.
- After the End Date has passed, students will no longer be able to submit anything.
- Finally, when you are comfortable with the dates, click the button Visibility to make the assignment visible for your students.
By setting a Due Date and an End Date you create a window for possible technical errors upon submissions. Moreover, you are still able to collect student submissions that did not meet the deadline. Late submissions are "flagged" in your submission overview, so you can clearly see who was on time and who was not. You can always decide later what you want to do with these submissions; retract any points because students were late or grade with a fail in case you do not approve late submissions.
1.3. Submission Settings

- Make sure File submission is selected
- Select One file under Files Allowed per Submission
- Select Compatible with Turnitin under Allowable File Extenstions
- Select Only one submission allowed under Submissions
1.4. Evaluation & Feedback
Click on Manage Turnitin

- Check Enable Similarity Report for this folder
- Optional: Check the Display box in case you want students to be able to see their plagiarism score as well, after you have published the feedback.
- Make sure Automatic similarity checking on all submissions is selected under Submissions checked.
- Check Enable Online Grading for this folder
- Leave Tranfer on Automatically sync
Next, click on More Options.
- Choose setting Generate reports immediately (students can resubmit until due date)
- Upload the Exam, to exclude it from the similarity report
- Finally, click on submit.
2. After the exam hide the Turnitin Assignment & Attached Grade Item
Hide the Assignment and hide the associated Grade Item, after the end date has passed and before you start assessment. From now on, students will no longer be able to see the Assignment.
Please note that setting an End Date is NOT enough. You need to hide the assignment, if you do not (yet) want your students to see a grade and/or feedback in your evaluation process.
3. Start assessment in Feedback Studio
Now that you have set the Assignment & Attached Grade Item to Hide from uSers, start your assessment with Feedback Studio. Please see here for a step by step manual on assessing with Feedback Studio.
4. Transfer Turnitin Grades to the Gradebook
The only way to transfer Turnitin Grades to the Gradebook, is by selecting all submissions and click Publish Feedback. That is why you need to hide the Assignment and the associated Grade Item first, before publishing feedback.
Please see When will a grade and/or inline feedback inserted in Feedback Studio be visible for students? for more in depth information.
5. Export the Grades for uSis
After the Turnitin grades are registered in the Brightspace Gradebook, you can Export the Grades for uSis and send the export to your Education Office / Administration Office.
6. Finally, make the Grade & Inline Feedback visible for your students
When the grades are officially registered and published in uSis, you can set both the Assignment and the associated Grade Item to Visble for users. Students are now able to see their grade and inline feedback in Brightspace.
Please note that you can only do this manually. There is no automatic release inline feedback (based on a date) option in Brightspace (yet).