In this article you will learn how to mange the timing and display settings of your quiz. In this section, you can set the time limit, adjust the paging, shuffle the quiz, allow hints, disable alerts in Brightspace and edit the header and footer.

- Manage the timing of the quiz
- Choose whether you want to display all questions together or one, five, or ten questions per page. You can also display the questions per section. If you edit the quiz after the newest Brightspace release, you will see the option Use legacy paging. You can select this option to keep using the paging prior to the release. This option will disappear after you select a different option.
- Check to shuffle the questions
- Display options
- Check Allow hints to Indicate whether you want hints to be allowed by ticking the box (hints are created per question, but they have to be enabled here. This is useful when you are importing questions that (could) have hints attached to them).
- Check Disable Email, Instant Messages and Alerts if you want to permit students from access these communication methods while attempting the quiz.
- Manage the header and footer
Manage Timing

Click Timer Settings
Synchronous quiz
Under Quiz Start, you can choose whether students should start and end the quiz simultaneously.
- The "Asynchronous: Timer starts when the learner launches the quiz" option will ensure students can start the quiz anytime between the start and end date.
- Choosing the "Synchronous: Timer starts on the start date" option, the timer starts on the start date and time, and will end after the time limit. This ensures students must take the quiz simultaneously.
Time limit expiration behaviour
Under When The Time Limit Expires, you can choose to set a time limit for the quiz and/or identify whether the quiz disappears after the time limit has passed. Leaving this box unchecked results in the quiz not disappearing, and students having unlimited time to finish. If you enable timing you have 3 option to chose from when the time limit expires:
- The "Automatically submit the quiz attempt" option you can ensure the quiz will be terminated and submitted when the time ends even if some questions are not filled in.
- The "Flag as "exceeded time limit" and allow the learner to continue working" option doesn't affect the termination of the quiz or the score but marks the attempt as "exceeded time limit".
- The "Do nothing: the time limit is not enforced" option does not affect the termination of the quiz or the score.