This articles explains what type of questions can bed added to a Quiz and how they work.
Quizzes can contain a variety of question types, including the following:
True or False (T/F)

Multiple Choice (M/C)

Multi-Select (M-S)
Multi-Select questions require respondents to identify one or more correct answers in a list of possible answers. Unlike multiple-choice questions, these multi-select questions enable you to choose a grading format and allow users to select more than one answer.

Written Response (WR)
Written Respons questions require respondents to give detailed answers to the open questions. You can allow users to answer in multiple sentences or paragraphs.
Short Answer (SA)
Short Answer questions require respondents to create one word or brief sentence answers to open-ended questions, as opposed to written response questions.
Multi-Short Answer (MSA)
Multi-Short Answer questions require respondents to answer a multi-solution question and input their answers into individual input boxes. The answer provided by a respondent in each Input Box is checked against each possible answer stored in the Answer fields. The difference with short answer questions is that multi-part questions in the SA question type cannot share the same answer pool, whereas in Multi-Short Answer questions they can.
Fill in the Blanks (FIB)
Fill in the Blanks questions require students to fill in one or more missing words for an incomplete sentence, or list.
Matching (MAT)
Matching questions require students to choose from a set of possible match choices from a drop-down list and correctly pair them with related items.
Ordering (ORD)
Ordering questions require respondents to arrange a series of items into a correct sequence of order. It is possible to use a grading format for this question type.

Arithmetic (2+2)
Arithmetic questions allow you to create mathematical questions and asses respondent's knowledge of mathematics and number theory. You can generate unique questions for each respondent by entering the formula within the problem and including set variables. You can select an Answer precision from the drop-down list to define the number of acceptable decimal places. Select enforce precision if correct answers must contain a specific number of decimal places.

Significant Figures (x10)
Significant Figures questions require respondents to answer in scientific notation and provide solutions that contain a specified number of significant figures. As with Arithmetic questions you can ensure each respondent receives a unique question by including set variables that randomly generate scientific notations within the problem.