Instructor Support for Educational Systems

What are the consequences for my teaching when Brightspace replaces Blackboard?

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Starting the first of September 2020 Leiden University will use Brightspace as digital learning environment. Brightspace will be replacing Blackboard. From September 30th 2020 onward Blackboard will exist as an environment for archival purposes only. 

Below you can find a list of the most frequently asked questions and their answers.

As a teacher, do I have access to the Blackboard archive environment?

All (guest) employees of Leiden University who still have access to Blackboard until 30-09-2020, have access to the archive environment of Blackboard.

This means that if you have left employment before that time and you do not have access to Blackboard on 30-09-2020, you will not have access to the archive environment of Blackboard either.

To access the Blackboard archive go to:

Can I still do the same in Blackboard as a teacher after 30 September 2020?

No. You can no longer use Blackboard for education purposes. You only retain the right to read and download within your course in the archive environment of Blackboard.

Although you can still access all your own subjects and have the opportunity to consult your documents or your students' submitted work, from October 1st 2020 onward you will no longer be able to do a number of things in the archive environment of Blackboard.

This includes:

  • Enroll students in your course
  • Create content or assignments
  • post announcements or email students

Do students have access to the Blackboard archive environment?

All (guest) students of Leiden University who still have access to Blackboard until 30-09-2020, will have access to the archive environment of Blackboard.

However, all courses will be closed for students. Students will have limited access to a their own materials in Blackboard, such as Kaltura My Media.

How long can I still access my courses in Blackboard?

Until October 2025 you can consult old courses in the archive environment of Blackboard:

Year Available courses
Until 1 October 2021 Access to courses from academic year 1718 - 1920
Until 1 October 2022
Access to courses from academic year 1819 - 1920
Until 1 October 2023
Access to courses from academic year 1920
Until 1 October 2024
Access to courses from academic year 1920
Until 1 October 2025
Access to courses from academic year 1920

Instructors from ICLON and LUMC will have access to courses on the Blackboard archive environment from longer ago:

Year Available courses
Until 1 October 2021
Access to courses from academic year 1516 - 1920
Until 1 October 2022
Access to courses from academic year 1617 - 1920
Until 1 October 2023
Access to courses from academic year 1718 - 1920
Until 1 October 2024
Access to courses from academic year 1819 - 1920
Until 1 October 2025
Access to courses from academic year 1920

In case you need access to older courses, please contact your faculty Blackboard support team.

Which data is relevant to keep or to have insight into?

Although we as Leiden University will completely switch to Brightspace on 1 September 2020, it may be necessary for you to want to check certain documents in the archive environment. 

For example: 

  • Submitted student work
  • Grades entered in the gradebook
  • Educational materials that have not been migrated

Since you have long-term access to the Blackboard archive environment, it is not necessary to save documents on your own computer. If you still want to do this, you should take into account the GDPR when storing personal data (such as grades and submitted work by students) and prevent data leaks.

Look here for more information

How do I transfer data from Blackboard to Brightspace

Can I still assess assignments that are still in Blackboard courses after 30 September 2020?

By default, all courses in Blackboard are closed on 30/09/2020 for students. From then on, your rights in the course will also be limited. Only in exceptional cases and in consultation with your faculty Blackboard support team, it may be possible to assess work submitted in Blackboard after 30/09/2020.

Do you have questions about the possible availability of your course after 30 September 2020  or other questions about the Blackboard archive environment? Please contact your faculty Blackboard support team.

What will happen to thesis courses in Blackboard that have not ended on 30 September 2020?

Thesis courses that have not yet ended on 30/09/2020 will be closed by default for students. Only in exceptional cases and in consultation with your faculty Blackboard support team, you may be able to supervise the students from Blackboard.

Please take into account possible technical restrictions, e.g. not being able to send an email. Therefore, you might need support from your faculty Blackboard support team on taking some actions in the archive environment on Blackboard.

Go to Brightspace via this link: 

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