This article explains how you can re-sync grades you have changed in Turnitin Feedback Studio, after you have Published Feedback.
As you can see in the image above, we have changed the grade in Turnitin Feedback Studio to a 9.5 (95), but this grade will not update in Grades. Thus the student will also not see his new grade. If you try to publish the feedback as you would do normally, the grade will not update.
Below we will explain the steps you need to take to change the Grade in Turnitin Feedback Studio to Grades.
Optional: Update the score in Turnitin
If you have already updated the scores in Feedback Studio, you can skip this part.
Navigate to the submission overview of your Turnitin Assignment.
From the submission list view click on the pencil icon of a submission you want to change the score in Turnitin Feedback Studio. A new window will be opened as shown below.
Change the score as desired and close the screen.
- Either refresh the page to sync all data from Turnitin as highlighted above.
- Or click on the refresh icon to sync the data from a individual assignment.
You will see the new scores appear in this screen.
Tell Brightspace to use the new Turnitin Score
First, click on the Student Name of the submission.

- Click on Use this Grade.
- Check if the score is indeed updated in the Score box on the right hand.
- Click on Update.
- Optional: Use the arrows to navigate to a next student in case you need to update more scores.
Finally, click on Back to Submissions when you are done. All the updated grades are now also in the Gradebook and visible for the students!
Unfortunately, there is no "Update all" function (yet). So yes, you need to update scores 1-by-1, in case it concerns multiple submissions.