This article discusses the most common issues and solutions regarding Turnitin Assignments:
1. I see a triangle with an exclamation mark and a drawer with a green arrow. What should I do?

Whenever you see these icons next to a student's submission, there is something wrong.
Either, the submitted file cannot be processed by Turnitin or there was a technical issue at the time of the submission.
Please click on the triangle with the exclamation mark to find out more and check below what you can do:
1.1. Your submission must contain 20 words or more

Whenever you see this message, there is unfortunately nothing you can do to process it via
Either ask the student to submit a new file or assess the submission without Feedback Studio.
1.2. Error communicating with Turnitin®.
At the moment of a student submission there was a connection issue between Turnitin and Brightspace.
Please contact us via the Helpsdeskportal in case multiple student submissions in your assignment have this icon OR when you already started evaluation in Feedback Studio and Published the Feedback.
Please do not click on resubmit if one of the above applies.
In case you did not start evaluation or it concerns just 1 submission, please click on the drawer icon to resubmit the file. The originality report will be processed shortly.
2. Turnitin Scores do not transfer to Grades
Please note that after you have assessed with Feedback Studio, Turnitin Scores do not automatically transfer to Grades. You need to Publish Feedback to transfer grades from Turnitin to Grades.
First, be sure to check that both the Assignment AND the Grade Item use the same max points value. Turnitin Scores will not Transfer to Grades if the Grade Item and Assignment use a different number of Max Points.
If the maximum scores have the same value AND you can see that the submissions are set to Published (as shown above), but you can still not see the grades in Grades, you need to update all grades after you've made the adjustments to the Grade Item Max. Points.
Please contact us via the Helpsdeskportal in case the issue still persists.
3. A student sent me a mail me with a "Warning! An originality report could not be generated" message
Although the warning does suggest otherwise, there is no need for them to worry. At the moment of submmision there was a connection issue between Turnitin and Brightspace. Please click on the resubmit button to hand in the submission at Turnitin, The originality report will be processed shortly.

Can I inform my students?
There is documentation available which you can use, or refer your students to this page: Warning! An originality report could not be generated
Please do not hesitate to contact us via the Helpsdeskportal, in case you have any questions on Turnitin (errors).