Please note that users that are not known in Leiden University's O365 directory cannot create a Team in a course. You can verify this by checking the extension of your work e-mail adresse. Please click here for more information.
Microsoft Teams is not available in LUMC courses. If you have any questions, please contact the LUMC Educational Support.
Do not delete a Microsoft Teams environment you created through the Course Connector within Brightspace. Doing so will remove the environment from Microsoft Teams but will not remove the link from your Brightspace course to said Teams environment and you will not be able to create a new Microsoft Teams environment.
Contact Support
If you need support using Microsoft Teams, there are several departments that can help you out. The table below shows an overview of what question you can ask to what department.
Type of question or problem | Department |
Link to information and contact options |
Technical problems and general questions on Teams | ISSC Helpdesk |
General information on Microsoft Teams can be found on the employee portal and Use the helpdesk to ask questions or report an issue |
(Didactical) questions on how you can use Teams for your education | Teaching Support | Information site of Teaching Support on the use of Microsoft Teams |
Questions on the connections between Brightspace and Microsoft Teams | Brightspace Support Team | Contact the Brightspace Support Team |
- What role is assigned to which user within the Team?
- What happens if students enroll or unenroll from the Brightspace course after the Team has been created?
- Can I add users in my Teams environment?
- I've tried to make a Teams environment in a Brightspace course, but errors occurred.
- Error: Teams cannot be created
- How can I check if an instructor / assistant instructor has an active office account?
- Error: The following participants can’t be added to the team. Their email addresses are not linked to Microsoft 365.
- Can I stop the sync between Brightspace and Microsoft Teams after I create a team?
- Can I sync an existing Teams environment to a course in Brightspace?
What role is assigned to which user within the Team?
When creating the Team, the users on the classlist in Brightspace will be automatically added to the Team. The role of the user within the Brightspace course, determines the role of the user within the Team. Please refer to the table below to see who gets what role. Other Brightspace users with different roles that are not mentioned in the table below, will not be added to the Team.
Brightspace role | MS Teams role |
Instructor | Owner |
Assistant instructor | Owner |
Tutor | Member |
Grader | Member |
Student | Member |
Each Team created by Brightspace contains 1 additional owner called 'Brightspace-MSTeams'. This is the account used by the link to manage the Team. This owner may not be deleted.
Please note that when student assistants are added in a Brightspace course with a guest account, their permissions in a linked MS Teams environment are limited. When instructors adjust the permissions of a student assistant, it will be synced back to Brightspace after an hour and the permissions will disappear again.
What happens if students enroll or unenroll from the Brightspace course after the Team has been created?
Every hour a comparison between Brightspace and Microsoft Teams will take place automatically. New students or instructors that were added to the Brightspace course, will be added to the Team as well. An unenrollment from Brightspace will ensure the student will be removed from the Team. If a student is accidentally removed from the Team, the student will be re-instated the next hour. Brightspace is and will remain the main source for users added to the Team (including the role they have within that Team).
Can I add users in my Teams environment?
Every hour a comparison between Brightspace and Microsoft Teams will take place automatically. Users that are manual added to Teams, but are not present on the classlist in Brightspace, will be removed from the Teams environment.
Therefore you should never add users manual to a Teams environment that is created via Brightspace, but enroll users in your course to grant them access to Teams.
I've tried to make a Teams environment in a Brightspace course, but errors occurred.

Error: Teams cannot be created
Please note that there needs to be at least one person enrolled in the course as instructor or assistant with an active O365 account in order for the teams environment to be set up. Faculty Support (LMS Coordinator) and central support staff cannot create a team, when no instructor with an active office account is enrolled.
If issues persist even if a instructor is enrolled please use the helpdesk to ask questions or report an issue
How can I check if an instructor / assistant instructor has an active office account?
Only the ISSC can check if a user has an active office account, therefore please use the helpdesk to ask questions or report an issue if your experiencing issues with setting up Teams in Brightspace.
Error: The following participants can’t be added to the team. Their email addresses are not linked to Microsoft 365.

When you see the error message above, there are users enrolled in your course, that are not connected to a Microsoft account. Please be advised not to follow the resolve steps suggested in the widget, since you/we can not change email addresses of test students or link them to Microsoft 365.
Please use the helpdesk to ask questions or report an issue so we can see which users do not have an active office account.
Can I stop the sync between Brightspace and Microsoft Teams after I create a team?
No. When you create a Teams environment via Brightspace, that connection remains and every hour the Brightspace classlist will be synced with the Teams environment. That implies that users you've added manually to your teams environment, will be removed if they are not in the Brightspace Classlist of your course.
Please note that for some occasions it might be useful to set up a Teams environment outside of Brightspace and add students and guest lecturers manually to the Teams.
Can I synchronize an existing Teams environment to a course in Brightspace?
Unfortunately, this is currently not possible.