One way to help your evaluation process is to create your own QuickMarks set. This article will explain how you can create your own set and use this set when you are evaluating submissions across different assignments and courses in 6 steps.
1. Open Feedback Studio
From a submission overview in an assignment, click on any pencil icon to open Feedback Studio. A new tab will open.
2. Open QuickMarks management screen in Feedback Studio
- In the right menu click on the QuickMarks icon, the blue square with a white checkmark.
- Next, click on the cog to go to Manage QuickMarks
A pop up window will appear in Feedback Studio
3. Create a new QuickMarks set
- Click on the hamburger menu in the top left corner.
- Next, click on Create New Set

Enter a name for your new set and click on Save.
4. Add QuickMarks to your new set.
You can now create new QuickMarks and add them to your new set. Add existing QuickMarks from different sets, to bundle in your own set. Both options will be explained below.
4.1. Create new QuickMarks
Click on Create QuickMark Or on the plus icon at the left.
- Enter a name for your QuickMark
- Add an explanation/elaboration as desired
- Click on Save
- After you have created the QuickMark you can edit the name and description as desired via the pencil icon.
- To create a new QuickMark, click on the plus icon at the left and repeat the steps above.
4.2. Add existing QuickMarks to your own set.
- Click on the hamburger menu icon
- Scroll through the sets and click on the name of a set as desired.
- Or click on All to see all available QuickMarks > NB there a lot so this might not be the most user friendly approach.
- Scroll through the available QuickMarks in a specific set and click on one
- Next click on Add to Set
- Select your own set from the dropdown menu.
- Optionally you can use the search bar to search for specific QuickMarks
The selected QuickMark is now added to your personal QuickMark!
5. Manage your own QuickMark set
- By clicking on the pencil icon you can change the name of your QuickMark set
- On the left side you will see a list of all QuickMarks currently in this set. You can click on one and it will show its info on the right side.
- By clicking on the minus icon you can remove this current QuickMark from your own set.
- You can also choose to Archive a QuickMark if you no longer want to completely delete the quick QuickMark.
- Finally, whenever you see a lock icon, as shown above, it means you can not change the name and/or description of this specific default QuickMark.
- You are only allowed to change your own created QuickMarks.
6. Select the QuickMark set to set it as default whenever you open Feedback Studio
After you have created your own QuickMark set and return to the Feedback Studio grading screen, you will see your own set at the right side. Each time you launch Feedback Studio it will show your last used set.
If you use multiple sets you might want to change your set from time to time. You can click on the name of your current QuickMark set and select your set as desired from the dropdown menu.