This article explains the relevant differences between Groups and Sections for Instructors and answers some frequently asked questions.
What are Sections?
Sections are a tool to manage and divide large classes. Sections make it easier to organize assignments, grades and tutors within your course. Sections are directly linked with work groups in uSis. When students enroll for a work group in uSis, they will be automatically added to the linked section in your Brightspace course.
When Sections exist for a course, students only see learning materials and users from their own Section. If you want users to see all users and content for a course, but be a part of a group for a specific project or activity, use the Groups tool.
If you are unsure if your course is using sections, is in need of sections, or if you have questions about enrollments, please contact your faculty coordinator. They will be able to assist you further.
How do I create section-specific Groups?
When Sections are enabled, in the Create Group Category menu the option Restrict Enrollments To appears. This option allows instructors to create group categories for all users, or only those users within a Section.
Why am I required to add colleague instructors to a section?
This is required per the way sections work. It does not affect the access of your fellow instructor. Employees with the Instructor role in a course offering are always able to see the entire course, regardless of sections.

How do I add Tutors to their respective sections?
The only teaching role that can be added to specific sections, is Tutor role. To add Tutors to their respective sections, enrol via the Classlist as per usual. In a course with Sections enabled, you now need to add all new users to a section. As explained above, for Instructors and other teaching roles, this does not affect their viewing permissions.