In Brightspace there are several functionalities you can use to control what students can see and when. Please find below an overview of possibilities per use case.
- Time based use cases
- Enrollment based use cases
- Enrollment & Time based use cases
- Grade value use cases
Important to know:
Please note that when setting the dates, the release conditions of the content items will appear in the calendar. It is not possible to hide this.
Time based use cases
Time based use cases are controlled with Restrictions and Manage Dates. Click on the links below for a step by step guidance on how to make these available for a certain time period, or after a certain date.
Enrollment based use cases
Enrollment based use cases are controlled with Release Conditions. See here for more information on Release Conditions.
In case you want to restrict a content item or a a tool in Brightspace based on a student's enrollment in a group or section, the release condition you need to set is the same for all tools, namely Group Enrolment OR Section Enrolment, as shown below.

Click on the links below on how to set a release condition for a specific group/section for that tool:
Enrollment & Time based use cases
A combination of enrollment & time based use cases are controlled with Special Access. Please note that Special Access can only be used for Assignments/Quizzes and Discussion Board.
For combining Enrollment & Time based restrictions on content items, you will need to attach a release condition and set dates via Manage Dates.
Grade value use cases
Under construction
- Send an Announcement to students with a specific Quiz score.
- Make Course Content only available for certain students based on a grade they received.
- Make a Resit Assignment only available for students that failed the first attempt.
Send an announcement to students with a specific Quiz score
You can send an announcement only to students with a specific Quiz score, for example to those who failed to Quiz, by putting a release condition on the announcement.
1. Go to the Course Home of the desired course and click on New Announcement under the arrow next to Announcements.
2. Give the Announcement a title and write the text for the announcement. Scroll down a bit.

3. Under Additional Release Conditions, click Create and Attach.

4. Under the Condition Type, select Score on a quiz.
5. Under Quiz, select the right Quiz.
6. Under Criteria, select which criteria you want to apply. In this case, lower then or equal to a specific grade.
7. Under Grade, fill in the grade percentage to which the criteria applies. In this case, students who have a grade percentage of 54% or lower (grade 5.4 or lower) will see the announcement.
8. Click Create.
9. Click on Publish to publish the announcement.