You can set release conditions for nearly every item in Brightspace. In the list below, you can find several examples of release conditions per item type.
Once you have set up a certain release condition, you can re-use this in your course! You will be able to pick this release condition from the dropdown menu.
You should always connect a release condition to the activity that you want to make available. For instance, if you want students to be able to see assignment B after scoring a passing grade for assignment A, then the release condition for that should be attached to assignment B. That assignment will be invisible to students until they fulfill the release condition of completing assignment A with a passing grade.
Example of creating a New Release Condition

As you can see in the picture above, there are a lot of condition types you can use. You can use multiple conditions on one item, but you have to create them separately. For example; student can only visit assignment 2 after:
- Finishing assignment 1 (Assignments > submission to folder)
- Looking at the powerpoint of week 2 (Content > visited content topic)
In the example below you can see how you can create a New Release Condition.
If you are making use of release conditions in the course, make sure the students are aware of this at the beginning of the course. This way, they will know that not all content will be available for them and that they are responsible themselves for releasing the content of the course. If you do not communicate this clearly, students can have different expectations because they have not seen all the content of the course.
Important to know:
Please note that when setting the dates, the release conditions of the content items will appear in the calendar. It is not possible to hide this.
For example;
- Students need to hand in assignments 1 and 2 before they can see the final exam.
- Students should post five messages on the discussion board before they can see the corresponding assignment.
When you set up or edit an assignment, you can see the Restrictions tab where you can set up or edit release conditions. You can attach existing release conditions, or create and attach new release conditions.
For example;
- Students have to take week 3's quiz before they can see the checklist for week 4.
- Students are required to read through every module before they can see the checklist for the final exam.
When you set up or edit a checklist, you can see the Restrictions tab where you can set up or edit release conditions. You can attach existing release conditions, or create and attach new release conditions.
For example;
- Students have to finish everything in the first module before they can access the second module.
- Students must take the week 2 quiz before they can watch the video for week 3.
In the content you can view the release conditions by clicking View Release Conditions under the three dots. You can then create new release conditions, or browse existing release conditions.
Discussions (forum and topics)
For example;
- Students have to make three posts in any topic in order to reply to other students' posts.
- Students need to have watched the video in module 2 to gain posting rights for the corresponding topic in the discussion forum.
When you set up or edit a forum or discussion, you can see the Restrictions tab where you can set up or edit release conditions. You can attach existing release conditions, or create and attach new release conditions.
You can also set group restrictions in the option below, without having to create and attach a group restriction.
Grades (items and categories)
For example;
- Students must have completed all quizzes in the course in order to receive a grade.
- Students are required to place seven posts in the discussion board before receiving their grade.
When you set up or edit a grade item or grade category, you can see the Restrictions tab where you can set up or edit release conditions. You can attach existing release conditions, or create and attach new release conditions.
For example;
- Students must have posted at least three messages in the discussion board before being allowed to take a quiz.
- Students have to finish a checklist in its entirety before receiving access to a quiz.
When you set up or edit a quiz, you can see the Restrictions tab where you can set up or edit release conditions. You can attach existing release conditions, or create and attach new release conditions.

- Choose which kind of conditions students must meet. We chose Grade value on a grade item. A student must obtain a certain grade on an assignment to be able to access the next assignment (Assignment 2).
- Fill in the details of the conditions. We want students to obtain Grade 60% or more on Grade Item Assignment 1 to access Assignment 2.
- Click on Create.

- Subsequently, set up whether the student needs to meet all conditions or one of the conditions.
Best practices for release conditions
In case you are thinking of using (a lot of) release conditions, it is important to keep in mind the following matters:
- Set up release conditions before students have access to your course; this gives you time to check whether all release conditions function as they should by carefully go through them again.
- Avoid unnecessary release conditions; if you use too many release conditions, Brightspace will have more trouble loading your pages.
- Avoid circular release conditions which students can not meet. For example, if you set up that students first need to look at document A before they are able to post messages in the discussion, and you also set up that students first need to post a message in the discussion before they can see document A, it becomes impossible for students to meet the conditions of the course. Therefore, carefully keep in mind which release condition you connect to which part of a course.
- Once release conditions have been made, they will be saved in the course. This is useful if you want to reuse complex release conditions.