The new Brightspace release is available from 22 December 2023 10:00.
Announcements – Copy announcements to other courses in published state
In the Copy Announcement window there is a new check box option labeled "Publish Announcement on Copy". When this box is selected, the announcement is directly published in the destination course or courses, skipping the draft stage. If the check box is not selected, the announcement copies as a draft into the destination course or courses.
Calendar – View quiz start and quiz end dates as separate events in Calendar

When a Quiz has a start and end date and both Availability Dates are added to Calendar, both dates are displayed in the Calendar tool as separate events. Previously, only one event displayed showing when the availability of that quiz ended.
Discussions – Administrators can choose forum workflow in New Discussion Creation Experience
With this release, it is possible for instructors to post new topics directly under a forum via a dropdown menu.
Previously, the default choice was to create a new forum when a topic was created.
Quizzes – Better identify bonus questions in a quiz
Quiz bonus questions are now clearly marked as bonus questions.
Rubrics – Grades tool now uses Consistent Evaluation interface for assessments
When using the Grades tool to assess a discussion or assignment using a rubric, the same assessment screen will be displayed regardless of whether the student has submitted work or not.
Previously, when grading an assignment using a rubric where no work was submitted, only a popup with the rubric was shown.