Turnitin assignments (or more specifically Turnitin classes, which for the purposes of this article can be considered the equivalent of a Brightspace Course) will expire after a certain amount of time.
An expired class will be set to read-only mode, which means you will not be able to grade or provide feedback in Feedback Studio for submissions to assignments in this class. The submissions will still be available for viewing.
Turnitin classes will be set to the expired status 6 months after the due date of the last assignment in a Brightspace course. So if the assignment has a due date of June 30th 2021, the date the Turnitin class is set to expire will be December 30th 2021.
How to reactivate an expired class
Expired classes can be reactivated in several ways:
- From your Brightspace course: Create a new Brightspace assignment with Turnitin enabled. The Turnitin class will be reactivated and the new expiration date will be set to the due date + 6 months of the newly created Brightspace assignment.
- In Turnitin.com: If you have access to Turnitin.com you can reactivate your class by logging in to Turnitin.com and in the All Classes tab look for your Brightspace course (in the column Class name) in the Expired Classes section. Click on the cog icon (edit column). Here you can change the Class end date to a date in the future. This will reactivate the class.
- Helpdesk ISSC: If you are not able or do not want to create a new Brightspace assignment or you do not have access to Turnitin.com, you can ask the Helpdesk to reactivate the class for you.