Instructor Support for Educational Systems

How do I add Weblectures to my Course and Content?

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Please note: This article only concerns weblectures from the website Do you want to enclose a Kaltura Weblecture Video in your course, please see here

Web lectures are lectures that are recorded on video and made accessible to students so that they can view them anytime and anywhere. For example, as exam preparation or if students want to review a specific topic that they find difficult. "Weblectures" is also the name of the service that takes care of recording and distribution.

In Brightspace you can directly place a link to the web lectures of your course. Students will only see the recorded lectures of your course.

  1. Click Add Existing
  2. Select External Tool Activity, scroll down and click Create New LTI Link
  3. Insert an appropriate title in the Title bar.
  4. Under LTI URL you add the URL to the weblectures.
  5. Select Legacy LTI as the Tool
  6. Click Create and Insert.

Warning: the urgent advice is to always have Weblectures open in a New Tab. Some browsers give an error or keep loading for a long time when you display the Weblecture inframe. 

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