A course is automatically set as Active the moment it is created based on the uSis link. This means that the course is visible to students in their list of courses. The course and its content are opened on the start date. This is set by default to August 15 and January 15; approximately 2 to 3 weeks before the start of the semester. For LUMC there are 3 start dates, depending on the educational period; August 15, December 15 and March 15. All published content is visible to students from this date. This date can be manually adjusted by instructors.

- Navigate to Course Tools in the navbar of your course.
- Click on Course Admin.
- Click on Course Offering Information.
As shown, the course is set to Active by default.
- Scroll down to Course has start date, Course has end date.
Is the end date set, but do your students still need to access the course? Clear the course has end date field.
Set a start date (and/or end date) to your course:
- Check the Course has a start date box and fill in the specific date and time from the moment the course should become available to students.
Students will see the course on their homepages in their course list and the start date will appear on the course banner. They will, however, not be able to access the course until the start date and time or when the end date has passed.