How can I download all submissions in bulk? How can I download submissions including feedback? And for Turnitin assignments?
It is possible to download all assignment submissions in bulk. See the article How do I assess an assignment offline for the steps.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to download in bulk all submissions including feedback given in Brightspace. However, it is possible to download submissions including feedback one at a time. This can be done in the following way:
- Open the submission.
- Click on the arrow next to the file name.
- Select View Document.
- Click on Download.
It is however possible to download all submissions including inline feedback from Turnitin Assignments via Please see the article How do I download inline feedback in bulk through Turnitin?
Can I alter an assignment after it is published?
You can change a description, date and method of assessment of assignments through Edit Assignment.
- Navigate to Course Tools in the navbar of your course.
- Click Assignments.
- Click the fold-out arrow next to the desired assignment and then click Edit Assignment.
Find more information HERE.
Condition for altering already published Assignments

The type of assignment and how students have to complete an assignment, can only be altered as long as no student has submitted their work.
The settings Assignment Type and Submission Type play a role. You can use Submission, Completion and Categorization under Edit Assignment to alter the assignment type and submission type.
Assignment Submission Log
The Submission logs in dropbox can be accessed via Assignment > More actions > Submission logs
Please note When the user clicks on Add a File button the event Started is logged. There are four states recorded started, submitted, deleted, and restored.
What is the Objectives tab in Assignments and Surveys?

If you want more information about creating assignments you can click on this link.
Since the Brightspace update of December 2019, you can see a new tab when creating or editing Assignments.
Currently, it is not yet possible to use Learning Objectives within the Brightspace environment of Leiden University. Unfortunately, it is also not possible to disable this tab.
We apologize for the inconvenience!
For now we advise you to ignore the Objectives tab.
Peermark unauthorized access issues
If you ever run into an unauthorized issue while working with Peermark, 99% of the time it is due to technical browser issues. Please see if one of the following solutions works for you. If this did not resolve your issue, feel free to report your issue.
Set the Peermark assignment to open in a new tab
Due to the way browsers handle cookies, setting your PeerMark assignment to open in a new tab will resolve this issue for most users.
To set this up, click on the options button (the 3 dots), select Edit and Open in a new tab. Press save and you are done.
Brightspace General Use
How do I get access to my course?
Contact the Faculty Support for more information about the opening dates of courses in Brightspace and information about when you will have access to the course. If your colleagues can already access the course, they are also able to add you. Read more about this HERE.
"Oops! We're having trouble connecting you"
If you see an error like the one above, there can be multiple reasons. For example, your browser might need updating or there is a corrupt file in your course.
Please do not hestitate to contact us in case you come across this issue!
Possible reasons for a broken link are:
An empty placeholder

When a placeholder is empty in the Course Builder, it will show a broken link to the content. Go to the Course Builder via Course Tools > Course Admin > Course Builder and remove the empty placeholder.
Remove it by :
- Pressing the item's drop-down menu button
- Clicking the option "Remove"
A moved file

You might have uploaded files into a HTML template by using the "Insert Stuff" button. This automatically selects where the file is placed into the Course Files. When you upload a file via "Insert Stuff", you can't choose a location in which to store the file. The location must not be changed when you Manage Files, or else the link breaks.
If you have a broken link, you must:
- Remove the file from your Course Files
- Re-upload it in the correct location.
A LTI link that no longer works

To fix the broken LTI link, you should:
- Press the item's drop-down menu button
- Click the option to generate a "New Link"
A drag/drop (or copy + paste) image

You may have a broken link due to a Drag and Drop or Copy + Paste of an image onto a Unit, Lesson or Folder.
Images placed in the Content of a Unit, Lesson or Folder must be added correctly with the following steps:
- Click on the unit/lesson/folder where you want to place an image.
- Click on the 3 dots.
- Click on Edit.
- Click the 'Add Image' button and choose the image you want to add.
- Save.
If you add an image via copy+paste, the image is saved as a temporary file that expires after a short period of time.
A student is not enrolled in a Brightspace course, how can I solve this?
Students are automatically enrolled in Brightspace courses based on their enrollment in uSis. It is not possible to add students to the course manually via Brightspace.
For more information, click this article.
How do I set content to hidden/visible?
Deciding on whether content needs to be visible or hidden is crucial in safeguarding the quality of your course. As an instructor, you might want to have certain documents such as answer sheets and assignments hidden at the start of the course.
For every (sub)module, it is possible to decide whether you want the content to be visible or hidden for the students in the course.
In the example above, the Practical Information module is set to Visible. By toggling the switch, the content can become hidden for the students.
You can set specific modules, submodules or content items to Visible/Hidden. If you set a module to Hidden, all underlying content is also Hidden.
Where can I find the Wiki functionality?
Brightspace does not have a Wiki functionality. There are multiple other tools available to replace it. For instance Checklists, Discussions, Surveys or Quizzes. See the respective articles for more information.
What notifications do I receive and how can I set that up?
For more information on setting notifications, read the following article: How can I change my email notifications?
Do students see each other's email addresses?
In order to comply with the GDPR, students cannot see each other's email addresses. Read more information here.
Where can I find my sent emails?
You can find your sent emails by clicking on one of your courses and then on the email icon in the mini bar. Read more information here.
Is it required to use the Gradebook?
You are not required to use the Gradebook. However, we strongly recommend the use of this tool. The Gradebook calculates and shows Grades to students in a way that safeguards private information.
Grades in Brightspace are not considered official final grades. Only grades entered in uSis are officially recognized as final grades.
You are able to export Grades from the Gradebook and import them into uSis. However, this requires you adjust the file. Please see the articles on Grades for more information.
You are not allowed to post lists of Grades on Brightspace in any other way than the Gradebook. The combination of student numbers and grades is considered private personal information, and this may not be posted without consent of all persons on the list.
Why do I get an Access Denied message when I try to view Kaltura videos in Brightspace?
We recommend all users to update their browser to the latest version.
You might see Access Denied message when trying to watch embedded Kaltura videos in Brightspace. We have found that this mostly occurs in older versions of browsers. We therefore recommend that you update your browser to the latest version.
Please ensure your browser is updated to the latest version. Moreover, Firefox seems to experience the least amount of issues, since it automatically updates to the latest version. Please also try to open the video in Firefox.
Workaround if you are unable to update your browser
To ensure all your students are able to see the video, please consider setting Kaltura Videos to open in a new tab. Click to see the steps to follow, depending on the way you've enclosed your Kaltura Videos in your course.
Place a link to a Kaltura Video in a HTML file
- Open an existing HTML file in your course and remove the embedded video
- Or create a new HTML file

Place your cursor in the HTML file where you want to place a link to the video and:
- Click on the Insert Quicklink icon
- Scroll down and click on Add Kaltura Media

Navigate to the video you want to place in your course and click on </> Embed.

A link to your video will be placed, as shown above. From here you can proceed as usual and add text as desired.
Open stand alone Kaltura Videos in a New Tab
If you have placed your Kaltura Video via Add Existing > Add Kaltura Media, you need to Edit the video to open in a new tab. Please see below how.
- Navigate to your Kaltura Video in your course
- Click on the 3 dots and click on Edit

Select Open in a new tab and click on Save.
As shown above, the video is no longer embedded and can be viewed in a new tab.
How do I view a quiz as a student?
Use the Preview functionality in a Quiz itself rather than the View as Student functionality of the course to view a Quiz as a student.
- Navigate to Course Tools in the navbar.
- Click on Quizzes.
- Click on the fold-out arrow next to the quiz you want to view as a student.
- Click on Preview.
Where can I get support?
If you have any questions, you can ask them via the helpdesk:
Have you read the instructions and the FAQ but your question remains unanswered? Please contact your faculty's LMS-coordinator, who will further assist you in becoming familiarized with Brightspace. There are also several support options available from the Brightspace central support team. Please see this article for more information.
What is a Sandbox and how can I use it?
Take note: only you have access to your own Sandbox. You can however add other existing users if you want to. Only add someone if said person has consented. Keep in mind that an enrolled person can view everything in your Sandbox when he or she has the same role.
In case you do not yet have a personal sandbox and/or you cannot see the Brightspace Online Training, please report your problem via the Helpdeskportal.
Every teacher has his or her own Sandbox course. This is an environment in which teachers can experiment within Brightspace. You have access to all the necessary functionalities, without possible unwanted consequences of sharing trials with your students. Your Sandbox is private: only you, and any colleagues or users you have enrolled, can view its contents.
Using the Sandbox is a good way to familiarize yourself with Brightspace. For example, you can experiment with: arranging and presenting your content, creating new tests for students and discovering ways to improve interaction with students. You can also prepare a course in your Sandbox and export it to a public course when it is finished and satisfactory.
What is the course Brightspace Online Training?
The course Brightspace Online Training is an online module where you can become familiar with the look and feel of Brightspace. Access the Brightspace Online Training via the Home Screen of Brightspace, after you logged in. The course is not a direct step-by-step learning plan, rather it gives you the opportunity to become aware of the different functions in Brightspace. The modules consist of guidelines for creating Grade Books, managing Groups and organizing Content of your course, among others.
When you are ready to practice working with the different settings of Brightspace in a more advanced and practical manner, start working in your Sandbox. Optimally, the Sandbox provides the possibility to follow the Brightspace Online Training and more. Thus, properly preparing you for actual course creation.
Use the Online Training as an introduction tool, but go to your Sandbox to deepen your understanding of Brightspace.
System requirements
Which browser versions are supported?
You might see the following message when trying to reach Brightspace:

Brightspace supplier D2L does not support every browser. The following browsers are not supported:
- Microsoft Legacy Edge
- Internet Explorer
The following browser versions (and older) are not supported:
- Chrome 67
- Android Chrome 67
- Firefox 67
- macOS Safari 12
- Chrome OS Chrome 67
- iOS Safari 11
If you see this message, it means that you are using an older version of the browser. We advise you to update your browser. This message appears when you are using one of the following browsers:
- Chrome 90
- Chrome OS Chrome 90
- Mobile Chrome 90
- Safari 14
- Mobile Safari 14
- Firefox 88
- Chromium-based Microsoft Edge 90
Clear your cache and cookies
Below are links for each of the supported browsers with guidance to do so.
Mac OSX:
Try a different browser
If you continue to experience problems, we recommend that you try another browser, as this may solve the issue. A list of supported Operating Systems and browsers is provided below:
Desktop Operating Systems
- Windows® 7, 8.1, 10
- Mac OS X Intel v10.7+, El Capitan 10.11
- ChromeOS
We support the latest and one previous version of the following browsers:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
- Microsoft Edge
Is there a Brightspace app available?
We do not recommend using the Brightspace apps. There are several apps available in the app store, but we do not support these apps. Using the apps is therefore your own responsibility.
Brightspace is scalable on your screen in the browser, so we recommend using the regular website instead of an app.