This article will explain how you can set up different kind of resit scenarios in your Gradebook.
See here for video's on setting up Resits.
As soon as you want to work with resits in Brightspace it is good to keep 2 things in mind:
- First, set in Grade Calculation settings Ungraded items to Treat as 0. See here how (Step 3 of the Setup Wizard).
- Second, you will need to create (at least) 2 grade items per assessment. Both grade items need to be associated to a separate activity if you want to work with Assignments / Quizzes / Discussions.
Resits in Weighted Grading System
Resits in Formula Grading System
Set up a resit in a Weighted Grading System
In a weighted grading system you are only able to set up your Gradebook where the highest grade counts.
The highest grade counts - Weighted Grading System
In this scenario we have a midterm and the resit for this midterm. In case students failed the first time, they need to make the resit. We register both grades in Brightspace, but only the highest grade counts for the final grade calculation.
See here for a video.
First, set in Grade Calculation settings Ungraded items to Treat as 0. See here how.

Second, make a category with the following settings under Grading:
- Weight: should reflect the weight of the assessment. E.g. 30% for the midterm
Distribution: Select Distribute weight evenly across all items
- Enter the number of items you want to drop. In the example above, we drop just one, since there is only 1 resit.
- In case there is a third chance, e.g. an oral exam, then you enter the number 2.
Make two identical grade items. Name one resit and place them in the newly created category.
That is it!

As shown above, we have 4 individual students. For each student 1 grade has been dropped, indicated by the ! icon.
- Student 1 en 4 passed the first time, their only and therefore highest grade will be used for the final grade calculation.
- Student 2 failed the first time, but passed the second time. The grade of the resit will be used for the final grade calculation.
- Student 3 failed both times. The grade of the first try will be used for the final grade calculation.
Set up a resit in a Formula Grading System
Tip! Check out this article for in depth information on the Formula Editor for creating formula's.
The Formula Grading System offers three options for setting up resits:
The highest grade counts - Formula Grading System
In this scenario we have a midterm and the resit for this midterm. In case students failed the first time, they need to make the resit. We register both grades in Brightspace, but only the highest grade counts for the final grade calculation.
Since we are working with a Formula Grading System, you should already have set the Grade Calculation settings Ungraded items to Treat as 0. See here how.
Make two identical grade items. Name one Resit.

Next, open the Edit Screen of the Final Calculated Grade. You will see the screen below.

- Insert the Maximum Points for the Final Grade - usually this will be 10
- Select a Grade Scheme as desired
- Click on Edit Using the Formula Editor to start building your Formula.
Final Calculated Grade = MAX{ [MidTerm.Points Received], [MidTerm Resit.Points Received] }
Make a Formula for the Final Calculated Grade and use the MAX {} function to find the highest grade between the two grade items.
That is it!
As shown above, we have 4 individual students.
- Student 1 en 4 passed the first time, their only and therefore highest grade will be used for the final grade calculation.
- Student 2 failed the first time, but passed the second time. The grade of the resit will be used for the final grade calculation.
- Student 3 failed both times. The grade of the first try will be used for the final grade calculation.
Full Example Final Calculated Grade Formula
This shows a full example of a Final Calculated Grade Formula where the highest grade counts.
Final Calculated Grade=(([Tutorials.Points Received] * 0.1) + (MAX{ [Mid Term.Points Received], [Mid Term Resit.Points Received] } * 0.3)) + (MAX{ [Final Exam.Points Received], [Final Exam Resit.Points Received] } * 0.6)
The last grade (resit) always counts, even if it is lower.
In this scenario we have a midterm and the resit for this midterm. In case students failed the first time, they need to make the resit. We register both grades in Brightspace, but the resit grade always counts, even if it is lower.
See here for a video.
Since we are working with a Formula Grading System, you should already have set the Grade Calculation settings Ungraded items to Treat as 0. See here how.
Make two identical grade items. Name one resit.

Next, open the Edit Screen of the Final Calculated Grade. You will see the screen below.

- Insert the Maximum Points for the Final Grade - usually this will be 10
- Select a Grade Scheme as desired
- Click on Edit Using the Formula Editor to start building your Formula.
Make a Formula for the Final Calculated Grade and use the IF {} function to check whether the Grade Item Midterm Resit is 0. If so, the student did not make the resit, thus the first try will be used for the Final Grade Calculation. If the Resit however DOES contain a grade, then the grade of the resit will be used for the final grade calculation.
That is it!
As shown above, we have 4 individual students.
- Student 1 en 4 passed the first time, their only and therefore highest grade will be used for the final grade calculation.
- Student 2 failed the first time, but passed the second time. The grade of the resit will be used for the final grade calculation.
- Student 3 failed both times. The grade of the resit will be used for the final grade calculation.
Full Example - Formula
This shows a full example of a Final Calculated Grade Formula
Formula Breakdown
Final Calculated Grade=IF{ (([Mid Term Resit.Points Received] = 0) AND ([Final Exam Resit.Points Received] = 0)), ((([Tutorials.Points Received] * 0.1) + ([Mid Term.Points Received] * 0.3)) + ([Final Exam.Points Received] * 0.6)), IF{ (([Final Exam Resit.Points Received] = 0) AND (Midterm Resit.Points Received > 0)), ((([Tutorials.Points Received] * 0.1) + ([Mid Term Resit.Points Received] * 0.3)) + ([Final Exam.Points Received] * 0.6)), IF{ (([Mid Term Resit.Points Received] = 0) AND (Final Exam Resit.Points Received > 0), ((([Tutorials.Points Received] * 0.1) + ([Mid Term.Points Received] * 0.3)) + ([Final Exam Resit.Points Received] * 0.6)), IF {(([Midterm Resit.Points Received > 0) AND (Final Exam Resit.Points Received > 0)), ((([Tutorials.Points Received] * 0.1) + ([Mid Term Resit.Points Received] * 0.3)) + ([Final Exam Resit.Points Received] * 0.6)) }}}}
IF the grade item Mid Term Resit AND Final Exam Resit are empty (thus 0) - Student passed both Mid Term and Final Exam
- THEN the final grade calculation = Tutorial * 0.1 + Mid Term * 0.3 + Final Exam * 0.6
IF only grade item Mid Term is empty (thus 0) AND the Final Exam Resit is higher than 0 - Student passed Mid Term, but failed Final Exam. For the Final Exam the resit grade counts.
- THEN the final grade calculation = Tutorial * 0.1 + Mid Term * 0.3 + Final Exam Resit * 0.6
IF only grade item Final Exam is empty (thus 0) AND the Midterm Resit is higher than 0 - Student passed Final Exam, but failed Mid Term. For the Mid Term the resit grade counts.
- THEN the final grade calculation = Tutorial * 0.1 + Mid Term Resit * 0.3 + Final Exam * 0.6
IF both grade items Mid Term Resit AND Final Exam Resit contain a grade - - Student failed both Mid Term and Final Exam and did both resits
- THEN the final grade calculation = Tutorial * 0.1 + Mid Term Resit * 0.3 + Final Exam Resit * 0.6
One Resit for a couple of assessments
In this scenario we have three assessments, that can be resit as a whole. In case a students fails the three assessments, it needs to make one resit assessments. We register all grades in Brightspace and the resit grades always counts.
Final Calculated Grade=IF{ ([Practical Resit.Points Received] = 0), AVG{ [Practical Assignment 1.Points Received], [Practical Assignment 2.Points Received], [Practical Assignment 3.Points Received] }, [Practical Resit.Points Received] }
Full Example
This shows a full example of a Final Calculated Grade Formula where there is one resit for a couple of assessments.
Final Calculated Grade=IF{ ([Practical Resit.Points Received] = 0), (((AVG{ [Practical Assignment 1.Points Received], [Practical Assignment 2.Points Received], [Practical Assignment 3.Points Received] } * 0.2) + ([Midterm.Points Received] * 0.3)) + ([Final Exam.Points Received] * 0.5)), ((([Practical Resit.Points Received] * 0.2) + ([Midterm.Points Received] * 0.3)) + ([Final Exam.Points Received] * 0.5)) }