This manual deals with the Other settings, which can be found under Settings in the Zoom portal of Leiden University.
The settings can be accessed and modified in the following way:
Log in at: https://universiteitleiden.zoom.usClick on SettingsClick on MeetingClick on Other
Blur snapshot on iOS app switcher
The moment you switch between apps on an iOS device, the image of the Zoom app will be blurred.
This option is enabled by default. It is also 'Locked by admin' and therefore not editable.
This option prevents potentially sensitive information from being visible when switching between apps.
Invitation Email
The participants of your organised meeting receive an invitation e-mail based on their preferred language, the content of the invitation e-mail is customisable.

- First select a language in which you want to edit the content.
- Then click on the pencil icon, in the following screen you can add content to the mail

- Then click on Save to save your changes.
Email Notifications
The settings can be accessed and changed in the following way:
- Log in at:
- Click on Settings
- Click on Meeting
- Click on Email Notification
When a cloud recording is available
The host will not receive an email notification when the cloud recording is available.
This option is 'Locked by admin' and not editable.
When attendees join meeting before host
Hosts do not receive email notifications when participants enter a meeting before them.
If you want to receive an e-mail notification when participants enter a meeting, enable this option.
Note: In case of large groups of participants, this may be perceived as undesirable due to the high number of notifications.
When a meeting is cancelled
- If a meeting is cancelled, both host and participant will receive an email notification that it has been cancelled.
- If this option is disabled, participants will not receive a notification.
When an alternative host is set or removed from a meeting
- The alternate host is notified via email when it is added or removed as a host.
- Enable this option if you want to keep all hosts informed of changes in permissions.
When someone scheduled a meeting for a host
- If a meeting is scheduled, rescheduled or cancelled, the host will receive a notification when this option is enabled.
- If you disable this option, the host will not receive notification of the meeting and may miss important information.
When the cloud recording is going to be permanently deleted from trash
- If the host has deleted a recording, it will be placed in the Recycle Bin. The host will receive a notification 7 days before the permanent delete if this option is enabled.
- Enable this option if you still want to be reminded when your deleted recordings will be permanently deleted.
Schedule Privilege
You can choose to assign users to schedule meetings on your behalf.

- To set an authorised person, click on the '+' icon next to Assign scheduling privilege to.

- In the next screen, search for users and add them to your Schedule Privilege.
- Then click on Assign.
If you have added yourself to someone's Schedule Privilege, you will see it under I can schedule for: