Instructor Support for Educational Systems

3. Kaltura Capture

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This article discusses how to make different shots with Kaltura Capture. The following parts are discussed here:

The following system requirements are recommended for proper recording:

  • a solid computer (64 bit) with at least 4GB of RAM and 4 processors
  • 1 GB free storage
  • Close all applications that are not immediately needed for the recording
  • Do not use Remote Desktop

Install  Kaltura Capture

Kaltura Capture does not work on the Linux operating system.

First  the application must be installed.

  • Navigate to the video portal and log in.
  • Click on Add New at the top right of the page to expand the menu.
  • Select Kaltura Capture.
  • Accept The Terms of service bottom of the screen.

After accepting, a pop up will appear allowing you to open Kaltura Capture:

  • Click Open Kaltura Capture
  • Then a download link for Windows or Mac will appear at the bottom of the new screen.
  • Select a location on your computer to save the file.
  • Open the downloaded file from the browser by clicking on the link as in the picture below or navigate to the file from Explorer or Finder to open it from there.
  • Click the Run to start the installation and follow the instructions on the screen.

When the installation is complete you can start recording with the Kaltura Capture application

Note: Do not start the application from the desktop, but follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the video portal again and click on Kaltura Capture in the Add New menu again.
  2. Check the box next to the terms of service to continue with the process.
  3. This time you will get a popup. Click on 'Open Kaltura Capture' in the popup.
  4. After a few seconds, a loading screen will appear and Kaltura Capture will launch itself.
  • The screenshot below shows the big red Start Recording button, two icons of screens, a microphone icon and the manage button.

If you accidentally click on another window when the application opened, you can find the application by clicking on the icon in the task bar:

Before starting a recording, it is useful to check the settings for Kaltura Capture.

Depending on what you want to record, you need to change the settings appropriately. Also, test these settings before starting a recording to make sure the quality is good and the video runs smoothly.

  • Click Manage in the recording window.
  • Click on the Settings tab in the Kaltura Capture window (second icon from the top in the left menu bar):

Kaltura Capture does not work on the Linux operating system.

Multiple methods are shown in the settings screen to set the quality

  • The Camera and Screen recording quality is set to 720p by default. A higher setting results in more detail.
  • The option to record system audio (system audio, i.e. all sounds that Windows makes but also, for example, the audio of a YouTube video or other app) is turned off by default. If you do need this audio, you can always turn it on.
  • The recording name prefix allows you to change the default filename that Kaltura Capture saves your videos with.
  • Highlight Cursor is on by default and highlights the area around your cursor when you click anywhere on the recording screen with your mouse.
  • The Auto minimize when recording option makes the Recording Start button disappear from view as soon as the recording starts. This option is on by default.
  • The last option is for diagnostic purposes and should not be used unless explicitly requested by support staff.

There are several options available to improve the audio quality: 

Click New Recording to check your settings, you do this by making a recording.

Record with Kaltura Capture

In the screenshot below you can see the big red Start Recording button, two screen icons, a microphone icon and the Manage button. When one of these icons is marked in grey with a slash, it means that it is disabled. To be able to set this option, this option must first be turned on.

By clicking on the icon you turn this recording option on or off. Clicking the ˅ button next to each icon will bring up a drop-down menu of available recording options.

Let's go through these from left to right:

  • Click on the ˅ next to the left screen icon
  • This opens a drop-down menu with your primary screen and full screen (Full Screen) selected (if you have multiple screens connected to your computer, your primary screen is the screen where the Windows taskbar is displayed).
  • When you click on Generic PnP Monitor(or the first one in a row if the preview doesn't match your screen) you get another drop-down menu with possible recording methods.
    • If you wish to record with the webcam, you can select it here.
  • If you want to record your screen, you can choose to record the entire screen or to record part of the screen (you can verify whether the recording is taking place on the correct screen by looking in the preview of this menu).
    • If you want to record a part of the screen (instead of the entire screen), click on “Select Area”. This will open a new window.
  • In this new window you again have a new menu in which you can determine the size of the surface to be recorded.
  • When you have set the size of the window to record, click Confirm to go back to the recording window. You will now also see a red frame around the window which represents the recording space.
  • Repeat these steps for the second screen, this screen is normally used to display (and thus record) a PowerPoint presentation.
  • If you want to record a presentation, you must be able to edit it. 

The last option is the microphone icon. Here we can select a different recording source if several microphones are connected (this is often not the case).

Once you're done setting up the sources, you can start recording

  • Click on the big red button. 
  • A timer will appear on the screen. It will count down from 3. After the countdown, the recording will start.
  • You can still cancel the recording by clicking Cancel.
  • You can stop the recording on the recording bar. This is hidden in your menu bar.
  • Click on the Kaltura Capture icon in your menu bar to bring back the capture bar.
  • Once you see the recording bar, you can click the stop recording button.
  • Note: The application will ask you if you want to stop. This is a precaution so that you don't accidentally stop your recording.
  • As soon as the recording has stopped, a screen will appear where you can adjust the metadata (including title, description and tags) of your video.
  • On this screen, you have the options to upload, delete, or only save your video locally.
  • Choose Save and upload to save your recording in your MyMedia.
  • You will be redirected to the Library tab in the application.
  • There you can see whether your recording has already been uploaded successfully. In the example below, the upload is set at 10%.
  • Once the upload is complete, you will receive a link to the video on Kaltura.
  • Click on this link to navigate to your video.
  • If you watch directly, Kaltura will still be preparing your movie. Depending on the length of your video, this may take a while.

Fullscreen recording

While making a full-screen recording in Kaltura Capture, it will also record the tool itself. There are a few detours to be able to make a full-screen recording.

First of all, the question is whether a full-screen recording is required. In many cases, making a selection of the screen is sufficient.

  • Click on the arrow icon next to the screen icon to display the selected option and choose Select Area.

Of course, there are situations where you have to make a full-screen recording, such as with a Powerpoint presentation.

In these cases, several options are available:

  • Click Manage at the bottom right of the Kaltura Capture app.
  • In the newly opened screen, click on the gear icon to open the Settings menu.
  • In the Settings menu, choose Yes for the Auto minimize when recording option.
  • Click Save.

If you want to record in full screen but also want to use the annotation options, the following options are available:

  1. If you have two screens, you can place the tool on the unrecordable screen. This option is especially useful when using the annotation tools.
  2. If you do not have access to multiple screens, there are other options available:
    • Minimize the tool manually by tapping the – icon in the right corner of the tool as soon as you start recording. This option only works if you don't use the annotation option.
      • When you're done recording, maximize the tool again by double-clicking the tool in the toolbar.
      • When you are done with the recording and it has been uploaded you can edit the video.

Record Computer Sound

If you want to record the sound from your computer, for example when you play a video during a presentation, you must first activate a setting to do so. It is also recommended to test the feature after enabling it. Click on the headings below to unfold the explanation for each software. 


1. Start Kaltura Capture.

2. In the black bar, select Manage.

3. Go to the cogwheel, on the left side of the screen.

4. Navigate to record system audio.

5. Select the Yes option.

6. Click Save


1. From the Apple menu, click System Settings.

2. On the left, click privacy & security.

3. Select screen capture.

4. Under screen recording, click the + sign to add an app to the list of allowed applications.

5. You may get a privacy & security message:

“privacy & security is trying to change your system settings.”

In this case, enter your username and password. Then click modify settings to continue.

6. A pop-up appears with a list of applications.

7. Locate and select the KalturaCapture app so that it appears in a window on the right. Then click open

8. The app now appears in the list of allowed applications with permission to record your screen and audio.


During the recording process, you have the option to annotate your presentation or image. This chapter explains how to do this.

  • To draw or write on the screen, a recording must first be started.
  • Click the Start Recording button.
  • Now that a recording has started, you can click on the white pen icon to the right of the recording control.
  • A new popup will open containing several options for what you can do on the screen.
  • By default, the pointer/cursor is selected (blue border).
  • Select the Draw button to be able to draw on the screen.
  • Select the Arrow button to draw arrows on the screen.
    • Arrows can be used to indicate something on the screen.
  • Select the Text button as shown in the screenshot below to be able to write on the screen.
    • Text can be used for comments that you can show to the public.

There are several options to shape and change the annotation:

  • Color picker: Choose which color your annotations appear in.
  • Size slider: Choose the size of the annotation to be made.
  • Clear: Remove all annotations from the screen.
  • Finally, there is the Select option:
    • This option allows you to drag existing annotations across the screen.
    • Once selected, you can also delete the current selection by hitting the delete or backspace button on your keyboard.

Solving problems

To troubleshoot Kaltura Capture, it is important first to verify that your system meets the system requirements set for this program

The main requirements are as follows:

  • A 64-bits system
  • Windows 7 and higher or Mac OS X 12+
  • 4 processors
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 1 GB storage
  • 1024 x 768 screen resolution for fullscreen

In case of problems, you should take the following steps before contacting the ISSC:

  1. Take a screenshot of the Kaltura Capture error message
    • Take a screenshot of the error message as displayed on the screen.
  2. Take a screenshot of the system information 
    • Type System Information in the search bar as shown in the Windows taskbar.

To take a screenshot of your system information on the Mac.

  • Go to the top left corner of the screen and tap the Apple logo.
  • Choose About This Mac.

Submit support logs

To submit the support logs in Kaltura Capture, follow these steps:

  • In the Kaltura Capture application, click on the Manage option as shown below:
  • Then click on the gear icon in the left menu bar:

In a new screen, click Upload logs behind Collect and upload app logs.

After uploading the logs, the above screen will appear. 

  • Make sure to copy the 'Token' (long serial number) as shown in the pop-up window after successfully uploading the support logs.

With all of the above, please contact the ISSC. In a detailed description you indicate what you are trying to do, what the error was, what you tried to do to fix it and most importantly the following:

  • Screenshot of the error message.
  • Screenshot of your system information.
  • The support log Token.
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