This article explains what interactive videos are and how to make them.
Kaltura offers the possibility to create interactive videos. This process can be used in various ways. A chain of videos can be created, where the user determines his learning process. You can make a video in which a user has to answer a question and based on the answer is forwarded to the next topic.
When creating an interactive video it is recommended to use the Chrome or FireFox browser.
Follow these steps to create an interactive video:
- Click Add new
- Choose Interactive Video
In the newly opened screen, enter a name and a brief description for the video. Also choose the faculty/department, language and license.
- When you choose Specific Time Frame at Publishing Schedule, you can make the video available for a certain period. Please note that outside these times the video will not be viewable for both owner and user.
- Click Create.
A new screen will open, in which you can make an interactive video:
An interactive video connects various video sources or fragments from a longer video to create a path through the videos. By dealing with this creatively, it can be used educationally or as a "choose your own adventure" like video.
The toolbar contains the following functions:
Empty node:
- Allows you to drag a new empty “node” onto the project canvas.
- Pointer: Select and/or move an object or the project canvas.
- Marquee select: Click and drag across multiple objects to select them.
Node tools:
- Edit node: Modify a 'node'.
- Duplicate: Duplicate a ‘node’.
- Delete selected: Delete the selected ‘node(s)’.
Node labels:
- Enable this option to see the labels of all 'nodes'.
Show paths:
- Show the paths of all 'nodes' from start to finish.
Shot list:
- Opens a new window where you can see all 'nodes' with their:
- Status, scene, thumbnail, title, description, incoming paths, buttons and how they end.
- Opens a new window where you can see all 'nodes' with their:
- Project controls:
- Zoom in gradually.
- Zoom out gradually.
- Maximum (default) zoom in.
- Maximum (default) zoom out.
- Finally, there are the control options at the bottom left with:
- A legend.
- The Save project button to save the project.
- The Exit project button to leave the project.
- The Project settings button.
When you have started (and saved) a project and want to continue it at a later time, you can find it by saving the edit URL or by going to My Interactive Videos in your video portal menu.
Making an interactive video
- Open the media window by clicking the Show media button in the right corner of the screen.
- In this window you can see all the media you own and which you can use in your interactive video
- A request to transfer ownership can be placed with the video coordinators.
- In this window you can see all the media you own and which you can use in your interactive video
- To start the project, start by dragging the first video from the media panel to the Start node.
- As soon as you drag a video onto the canvas, the software automatically creates a node for the video. Name the node by double-clicking on the name above the node or from the Node edit window.
- The next step is to connect the nodes together so that they will play one after the other.
- To connect a video to the next, you can hover over the middle of the right side of the node (see above), this will show an arrow icon:
- When you click on the arrow icon and drag it to the next node, this node will show a semicircle to which you can connect the previous video. Once connected, the 'path' between the two is ready.
When the videos are connected, hotspots are automatically generated that allow the viewer to click through to the next video.
- You can edit a hotspot in the Edit note window.
- Double click on the node you want to edit or click on the pen icon in the Node tools section of the taskbar.
- An entirely new screen opens with the following categories of specific tools in the taskbar:
- Pointer.
- Marquee select (select multiple items at once).
- Hotspots:
- Draw a hotspot.
- Duplicate a hotspot.
- Delete a hotspot.
- Rulers & guides.
- Timeline snapping.
- API Timeline.
- Click Through mode.
- In addition to a new taskbar, a sidebar opens with multiple options:
Node properties:
- Name
- Description.
- Custom data (API data).
- Source media.
- Duration counter.
- End-behavior.
Node properties:
- Below the video you will find the following options:
Video controls:
- Jump to start.
- Play/Pause.
- Jump to end.
- With the red pointer on the 'timeline' you can select a specific point on the timeline.
Video controls:
- In the gray bar with the title of the next video you can adjust the duration and timing of the hotspot.
- In the side menu you can give the emergency a title and description.
- Custom data is not used for the time being.
- With the Source media dropdown you can change the video of the node.
- In behavior you can change the 'behaviour' of the video in the node when it ends.
- When the end-behavior is set to freeze, the video will stop playing.
- When set to Default path, the video will automatically continue with the next video as selected in the Destination drop-down.