This article explains how to create a channel on and how to enable it for Live Room use.
The following parts are covered, click on a link to go directly to the relevant section:
How do I create a channel?
- Go to and sign in with your ULCN account.
- Click on your name to open the menu options available for your account.
- Select My Channels.
- In the new screen, click Create Channel.
To create a channel, fill in the following fields:
- A title.
- A brief description.
How do I adjust my channel visibility?
There are three global channel visibility settings:
- Private: This means that only users invited to the channel can enter the channel and see its contents.
- Restricted: This ensures that anyone with a ULCN account can enter your channel and see the content.
- Public: Contact your video coordinator to open your channel publicly.
How do I active my Live Room?
- Click Channel Actions in your channel, this will look like this:
- Under Options, select Enable Newrow Live Room to activate the Live Room.
- Click Save.
- After saving your channel, you can go to the Edit page where you can add users to your channel.
How do I add users?
- On the Edit page, select the Users tab.
- Click Add Users.
- In the pop-up, you can look up users.
- The easiest method is to enter the ULCN username. Once you have entered a name, available options will appear below. Select the user you want to add to your channel.
You can assign a permission level per user:
Can only view the content of the channel. A member can only participate in the Live Room.
Can view content from the channel and can also add content. A contributor can only participate in the Live Room.
Can view and edit channel content. A moderator also becomes a moderator of the Live Room and can start the Live Room session.
Can view and edit all of the channel's content. It can also remove users from the channel. A manager also becomes a moderator of the Live Room and can start the Live Room session.
- Click Add to add the user.
How do I change the permissions level of a user?
You can also change the permission level of already added users.
- Click the pencil icon in the Actions column of the user whose permissions you want to customize.
- Select a new permission level in the Permissions column.
- Click on the floppy icon to save your choice.