30 Articles
- Content: An Overview
- What is the standard structure of a course?
- Short video: Leiden Course Model (English only)
- What is the standard course vocabulary?
- How do I structure my course with units/lessons/folders/topics?
- The optimal workflow for creating and adding content to your course
- How do I upload and add a file to Content?
- How do I create a new Discussion via Content?
- How do I create and add a HTML document to Content?
- How do I use HTML templates in my content?
- Short video: HTML Templates (English only)
- How do I create and add a Weblink to content?
- How do I upload a video to Kaltura and place it in the course content?
- How do I add Weblectures to my Course and Content?
- How do I add videos to Content?
- How do I add a document from the Copyright Repository to a course?
- How do I add a download link to a file in a course?
- How do I add SCORM/xAPI objects to my course?
- How do I add a link to an Assignment/Discussion/Quiz to my Content?
- How do I add Remindo to my course and Content?
- How do I add LabBuddy to my Course and Content?
- (manual)
- How can I change the visibility of the content of my course?
- How do I adjust Content availability through Manage Dates?
- How do I adjust Content availability when adding or editing Content.
- How do I replace an existing document?
- Short video: How do I add content?
- How do I use the HTML editor?
- What files can be downloaded by students?
- Content: How to add a topic description