Instructor Support for Educational Systems

How do I create a new Discussion via Content?

Updated on

It is also possible to create a new Discussion via Content. This can be done in the following way.

  • Click on Create New
  • Click on Discussion
  1. Topic title: add a title to your Discussion.
  2. Grade Out Of: if the Discussion has to be graded, this can be set here.
  3. Description: add a description to your Discussion.
  4. Start Date/End Date: if the discussion has to be visible for a limited time, the start and/or end date can be set here.
  5. Release Conditions: other release conditions can be set here, which the student has to meet before the Discussion is visible (e.g. enrollment is a specific group or a grade for a quiz).
  6. Hidden/Visisble: here it can be set whether the Discussion is visible for students.

Note! If the discussion uses a Start and/or End date, the discussion should always be set at Visible. If the discussion is still hidden, it will not be visible, even between the Start and End Date.

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